Delish In A Pinch

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Redemption Banana Pudding

Formally know as "Magnolia Bakery’s famous Banana Pudding”

I had a discussion with my son today about ‘being in the moment’  and ‘focusing on one thing at a time’. 

Today, I woke up craving Magnolia Bakery’s Banana pudding.  Luckily, I had a recipe stashed away in my recipe binder from years back. I was going to make this delicious pudding today.

This WAS the plan!

As I was placing the pudding in the fridge to set, I started to eavesdrop on what my son was saying (he was in remote schooling) and I missed the edge of the shelf and my pudding in it’s liquid state was in every nook and cranny of the left side of of my fridge. Normally, I don’t get frustrated if I drop something. In this moment, I was so annoyed with myself! I had to take a toothpick to clean certain parts! A TOOTHPICK!

Not only was I annoyed but karma right? One must practice what they preach! The pudding was a bust, so the following day I took my own advice and ‘was in the moment and focused on one thing at a time’ and made the pudding to its completion.

It was approved by three of the critics, they stamped it with the DELISH status. There was so much left over I thought, why not mix it all together and stick it in the freezer and turn it into ice cream. 

Now, if you have an ice cream maker at home, no harm will come to it with some good ole churning! The body bobble moment was readily present after I had tried my first spoon of pudding in its ice cream state.

Maybe, if I had a DeLorean I could go back and time and well…not eavesdrop on my son?!

Yes.. in this moment this is what I would do if I had a time machine! 😏

Hera’s Pinch

Nothing related to food, be in the moment. BE IN THE MOMENT… be in the moment (perhaps this pinch is for me today).

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