Delish In A Pinch

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This is an exciting recipe!

It has been tested, altered, and tested again to create complete hummus perfection!

Made mistakes, worked through the mistakes, picked up books, and read about the mistakes (haha), then added our pinch.

It will be velvety, smooth, satisfyingly rich, and balanced all the way through.

Funny story, when I posted a picture of this hummus on Twitter, a Hummus Bot (yeah I am still wondering what that is all about) came back telling me that my hummus was ranked as ‘106.36% confident that it was hummus’. In my head, I was jumping for joy! YAY! I felt like I won an Oscar for Hummus.

As we all know there are so many variations of hummus. After working with hummus for a month! Yes, a month! I can tell you just by the sight, if it will be a delicious hummus. Chef Harvey will be impressed.

This is a good base hummus you can use with any topping. I used a dollop of spicy harissa on top which added the perfect amount of spice.

Let’s get this party started!

Hera’s Pinch

I added cucumber-infused water instead of plain water. It added a subtle fresh aspect that didn’t overwhelm the flavor.

Use it on toast as I have pictured here and garnish it with your favorite toppings or with FRESH pita bread.

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