Delish In A Pinch

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Tellicherry Short Ribs

Imagine a little girl at the age of 5 walking into a department store and seeing a display of cabbage patch dolls. She’s filled with excitement. She looks up at her father and points, and her father responds with a tender smile. They both start walking towards the display, her smile gets bigger and wider. When they finally reach the display she stops but notices her father continues to walk and he stops at the display right behind it. She looks up at him in wonderment and thinks did he just stop at the big yellow Tonka Trucks?

I will never forget the words he said to me that day. “Just because you are a girl, doesn’t mean you have to like dolls, you can like anything a boy likes and you can do anything a boy does”

My father, Chef Harvey introduced this delicious recipe a few months back. We recreated it this week and wanted to share it with you all. Enjoy!

Hera’s Pinch

Dipped Tacos anyone? Shred the Short Ribs and slide them into corn tortillas. Saute the stuffed corn tortillas and dip them into the sauce. They are delicious!

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